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Back-Flushing Your Coffee Machine

Do this on the daily basis – End of day 
Take out the filter basket that is attached to one of the group handles, and either place a blind filter or a rubber blind filter into the handle that is now holding the double basket.

After pressing the brew button and locking the handle into place in the group head, wait ten seconds and then press the brew button once more to turn off the group. It is necessary to do this action four times, and in between each iteration, the group handle must be emptied.

Utilizing a tiny brush and some hot water, clean the area surrounding the diffuser and the group head gasket.

Do this on the weekly on basis

Add one teaspoon of espresso machine cleaner to the blind filter while the blind filter is still in the group handle. Make sure the group handle is properly inserted into the group head, then hit the brew button and let the machine run for ten seconds. After a ten second break, there will be a stop, followed by four repetitions.

Take the handle off the group, and then stream water through the group for ten seconds. Replace the group handle, then click the brew button and let the machine run for ten seconds; continue this process four times, being sure to empty the handle between each step.

Utilizing a tiny brush and some hot water, clean the area surrounding the diffuser and the group head gasket. Simply prepare one cup of coffee, throw it away, and then replace the filter in the handle of the group. The group is now ready for use.

Steam arm care

It is important to keep the steam arm clean throughout the day by wiping it down with a towel that has been dampened with water after each use. Do not allow milk to congeal and accumulate on the steam arm. After each usage, give the nozzle a quick blast of steam to remove any milk that may have accumulated within.


It is essential that you keep in mind to turn off all equipment before the end of the day.